Navigating the Market with Suburbtrends: Core Market Metrics

Suburbtrends' comprehensive dataset offers unparalleled insights into the real estate market, empowering users with detailed information on property listings and market dynamics at the suburb level. Our blog post today delves into the significance of each data column, providing clarity on how these metrics can guide your investment and purchasing decisions.

1. For Sale Average Listings

  • Now: Current average listings available for sale, offering a snapshot of the market's inventory.
  • 1 Month Ago: Reflects the average listings available for sale a month prior, highlighting short-term market trends.
  • 3 Months Ago: Provides insight into the average listings from three months ago, helping identify market direction over a quarterly period.

2. Sale Days on Market (DoM) Median

  • Now: The median number of days listings are on the market before being sold, indicating current market velocity.
  • 3 Months Ago: Median DoM from three months back, shedding light on how quickly properties were moving compared to now.
  • 12 Months Ago: This yearly comparison offers a broader perspective on market trends and seasonal impacts on sale velocity.

3. List Price Median

  • Now: The current median list price of properties, providing a benchmark for evaluating market pricing.
  • 1 Month Ago: Offers a recent historical perspective on pricing trends, useful for spotting short-term price movements.
  • 3 Months Ago: Gives a quarterly view of pricing trends, aiding in understanding market momentum.
  • 12 Months Ago: Yearly price data helps identify long-term pricing trends and market cycles.

4. Lease Median Price

  • Now: Current median lease price, crucial for investors and renters seeking to understand rental market conditions.
  • 12 Months Ago: Comparing the current lease median price with that of a year ago highlights the rental market's year-over-year evolution.

Why This Matters

Understanding these data points is essential for anyone involved in the real estate market. Whether you're an investor seeking opportunities, a homeowner considering selling, or a potential buyer or renter looking for the right moment to enter the market, these metrics offer critical insights:

  • Market Dynamics: Tracking how listings and prices change over time can reveal whether the market is heating up, cooling down, or remaining stable.
  • Investment Timing: For investors, knowing when to buy or sell can be gleaned from trends in listings and days on market, maximizing returns.
  • Price Negotiations: Buyers and renters can use median price changes to better negotiate deals, understanding how pricing pressures might influence their agreements.


Suburbtrends' data columns serve as a beacon for navigating the complexities of the real estate market. By offering a detailed, time-stamped view of market conditions, we empower our users to make informed decisions, backed by reliable and up-to-date data. This blog post aims to demystify our dataset, illustrating how each metric can be a valuable tool in your real estate analysis arsenal. Stay informed, stay ahead, and let Suburbtrends guide your next real estate venture.

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