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Warrnambool and South West VIC Buyers Guide

Warrnambool and South West VIC Buyers Guide

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Warrnambool and South West Buyers Guide

Unlock detailed insights into the property market dynamics with exclusive access to data-driven decision tools. Each report includes investor scores, vacancy rates, inventory levels, affordability metrics and prices guides in an easy to read Excel for suburbs in this area.

Property Market Analysis

Vacancy Rates

Current and historical vacancy data provide insights into the rental market's fluidity and trends.

Inventory Levels

Detailed inventory analysis helps gauge whether the market conditions favour buyers or sellers.


Examine affordability for buyers and renters through comprehensive metrics such as median price to income ratios.

Price Guide

Access up-to-date median pricing data for houses and units to better understand current market values.

Search Affordable Properties for Free

Our aggregated property search feature at the SA3 level helps you find affordable properties you may otherwise miss:

Councils in the Warrnambool and South West Region

Colac Otway Shire Council
Corangamite Shire Council
Glenelg Shire Council
Moyne Shire Council
Southern Grampians Shire Council
Warrnambool City Council

Suburbs included in this area

Allansford, Allestree, Alvie, Apollo Bay, Balintore, Balmoral, Barongarook, Barongarook West, Barwon Downs, Beeac, Beech Forest, Berrybank, Bessiebelle, Bolwarra, Bookaar, Boorcan, Branxholme, Brucknell, Bungador, Bushfield, Byaduk, Byaduk North, Camperdown, Cape Bridgewater, Caramut, Carlisle River, Carpendeit, Cashmore, Casterton, Cavendish, Chapple Vale, Cobden, Colac, Colac East, Colac West, Coleraine, Condah, Cooriemungle, Coragulac, Cororooke, Corunnun, Cressy, Crossley, Cudgee, Curdievale, Darlington, Dartmoor, Dennington, Derrinallum, Digby, Dixie, Dreeite, Drumborg, Dunrobin, Ecklin South, Ellerslie, Elliminyt, Eurack, Forrest, Framlingham, Garvoc, Gellibrand, Gerangamete, Glenaire, Glenfyne, Glenormiston North, Glenormiston South, Glenthompson, Gorae, Gorae West, Grassmere, Hamilton, Hawkesdale, Heathmere, Henty, Hexham, Heywood, Hordern Vale, Illowa, Irrewarra, Irrewillipe, Irrewillipe East, Jancourt East, Johanna, Kawarren, Kennett River, Killarney, Kirkstall, Kolora, Konongwootong, Koroit, Laang, Larpent, Lavers Hill, Lismore, Macarthur, Mailors Flat, Marengo, Merino, Mooralla, Mortlake, Moutajup, Mumbannar, Murroon, Nalangil, Nareen, Naringal, Naringal East, Narrawong, Nelson, Noorat, Nullawarre, Ombersley, Ondit, Orford, Panmure, Penshurst, Peterborough, Pirron Yallock, Port Campbell, Port Fairy, Portland, Portland North, Portland West, Princetown, Purnim, Rosebrook, Sandford, Scotts Creek, Separation Creek, Simpson, Skenes Creek, Skipton, South Purrumbete, Southern Cross, Stonyford, Strathdownie, Swan Marsh, Tarrington, Terang, The Sisters, Timboon, Toolong, Tyrendarra, Victoria Valley, Wallacedale, Wando Vale, Wangoom, Wannon, Warncoort, Warrion, Warrnambool, Weering, Weerite, Winslow, Wongarra, Woodford, Woolsthorpe, Wye River, Wyelangta, Yambuk, Yangery, Yeo, Yeodene, Yulecart, Yuulong.

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