
Mid North Coast NSW Buyers Guide

Mid North Coast NSW Buyers Guide

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Mid North Coast NSW Buyers Guide

Unlock detailed insights into the property market dynamics with exclusive access to data-driven decision tools. Each report includes investor scores, vacancy rates, inventory levels, affordability metrics and prices guides in an easy to read Excel for suburbs in this area.

Property Market Analysis

Vacancy Rates

Current and historical vacancy data provide insights into the rental market's fluidity and trends.

Inventory Levels

Detailed inventory analysis helps gauge whether the market conditions favour buyers or sellers.


Examine affordability for buyers and renters through comprehensive metrics such as median price to income ratios.

Price Guide

Access up-to-date median pricing data for houses and units to better understand current market values.

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Our aggregated property search feature at the SA3 level helps you find affordable properties you may otherwise miss:

Councils in the Mid North Coast Region

Mid Coast Council
Kempsey Shire Council
Nambucca Shire Council
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council

Suburbs included in this area

Aldavilla, Allgomera, Allworth, Arakoon, Argents Hill, Austral Eden, Barraganyatti, Barrington, Beechwood, Belbora, Bellangry, Bellbrook, Bellimbopinni, Belmore River, Black Head, Blackmans Point, Blueys Beach, Bobin, Bobs Creek, Bonny Hills, Boolambayte, Boomerang Beach, Booral, Bootawa, Bowman, Bowraville, Brimbin, Brombin, Bucca Wauka, Buckra Bendinni, Bulahdelah, Bundook, Bungwahl, Bunyah, Burnt Bridge, Burrell Creek, Byabarra, Caffreys Flat, Camden Head, Caparra, Carrai, Cedar Party, Charlotte Bay, Clybucca, Collombatti, Comboyne, Congarinni, Congarinni North, Coolongolook, Coomba Bay, Coomba Park, Cooperabung, Coopernook, Cooplacurripa, Copeland, Coralville, Craven, Crawford River, Crescent Head, Crosslands, Crowdy Head, Cundletown, Darawank, Diamond Beach, Dollys Flat, Dondingalong, Dunbogan, Dyers Crossing, East Kempsey, Elands, Elizabeth Beach, Ellenborough, Eungai Creek, Eungai Rail, Euroka, Failford, Faulkland, Fernbank Creek, Firefly, Fishermans Reach, Forbesdale, Forster, Frazers Creek, Frederickton, Girvan, Gladstone, Glenthorne, Gloucester, Grassy Head, Green Point, Greenhill, Gum Scrub, Gumma, Hallidays Point, Hannam Vale, Harrington, Hat Head, Herons Creek, Hickeys Creek, Hillville, Hyland Park, Jerseyville, Johns River, Jones Island, Kempsey, Kendall, Kew, Killabakh, Killawarra, Kimbriki, Kinchela, Kindee, King Creek, Koorainghat, Krambach, Kundabung, Kundibakh, Kundle Kundle, Lake Cathie, Lake Innes, Lakewood, Langley Vale, Lansdowne, Laurieton, Limeburners Creek, Logans Crossing, Long Flat, Lorne, Lower Pappinbarra, Macksville, Manning Point, Markwell, Marlee, Melinga, Millbank, Minimbah, Missabotti, Mitchells Island, Mondrook, Monkerai, Mooneba, Mooral Creek, Moorland, Moparrabah, Mortons Creek, Moto, Mount George, Mount Seaview, Mungay Creek, Nabiac, Nambucca Heads, Nerong, Newee Creek, North Haven, North Macksville, North Shore, Old Bar, Oxley Island, Pampoolah, Pappinbarra, Pembrooke, Pipeclay, Port Macquarie, Possum Brush, Purfleet, Rainbow Flat, Red Head, Redbank, Riverside, Rollands Plains, Rosewood, Sancrox, Scotts Head, Seal Rocks, Shallow Bay, Sherwood, Smiths Lake, Smithtown, South Arm, South Kempsey, South West Rocks, Stewarts River, Stratford, Stroud, Stroud Road, Stuarts Point, Talarm, Tallwoods Village, Tamban, Tarbuck Bay, Taree, Taree South, Taylors Arm, Telegraph Point, Temagog, The Bight, The Branch, Thrumster, Tinonee, Tipperary, Topi Topi, Tuncurry, Turners Flat, Upper Lansdowne, Upper Rollands Plains, Upper Taylors Arm, Upsalls Creek, Utungun, Valla Beach, Verges Creek, Waitui, Wallabi Point, Wang Wauk, Wards River, Warrell Creek, Wauchope, Waukivory, Way Way, West Haven, West Kempsey, Wherrol Flat, Whoota, Willawarrin, Wingham, Wirrimbi, Wittitrin, Wootton, Yarrahapinni, Yarranbella, Yarravel, Yessabah, Yippin Creek.

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